Mangas de tarjetas FEP y PFA

Con nuestra amplia experiencia en la industria de tubos de ptfe, tenemos más de 15 años de experiencia para proporcionar soluciones sobresalientes a nuestros distinguidos clientes. Hasta ahora, yozone ha sido conocida como China FEP & amp; Fabricantes y proveedores de carcasas de tarjetas pfa, que proporcionan carcasas de tarjetas PFA y FEP de alta calidad.

PFA Tubing By YOZONE-Technology

  • Chemical Processing: PFA tubing is widely used in the handling and transportation of corrosive chemicals.Because PFA tubing exhibits exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
  • Semiconductor Industry: PFA tubing can withstand high temperatures, typically up to 260°C (500°F). So, PFA tubing is employed in the semiconductor industry for the conveyance of ultra-pure gases and liquids. 
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: PFA tubing is commonly used in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities for the handling of sterile fluids and medications.As it meets stringent cleanliness and biocompatibility standards.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: PFA tubing is utilized in food and beverage processing plants for transferring liquids and gase.PFA tubing is transparent, enabling visual inspection of the fluid flow and ensuring clarity in fluid transfer processes.
  • Aerospace Industry: PFA tubing is used in aerospace applications due to high-temperature resistance and chemical compatibility are crucial.

YOZONE Also Produces FEP Tubing

  • Firstly, It is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and hexafluoropropylene (HFP), combining the exceptional properties of both materials. Additionally, FEP tubing, also known as fluorinated ethylene propylene tubing, is a versatile and high-performance plastic tubing widely used in various industries.
  • FEP Tubing also may applies in wide range of industries, such as food and beverage processing plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and medical devices, employed in the semiconductor industry, handling and transportation of corrosive chemicals, etc.

Como fábrica líder en tuberías pep, con una experiencia de comunicación profesional perfecta con nuestro equipo de ingenieros técnicos superiores, podemos resolver sus preguntas y preocupaciones las 24 horas del día, y luego podemos proporcionarle la siguiente información profesional:

Carcasa de tarjeta FEP y PE (polietileno)

  • FEP tubing exhibits superior chemical resistance compared to PE. While, PE, on the other hand, has limited chemical resistance and may degrade when exposed to certain chemicals.
  • FEP tubing can withstand higher temperatures than PE. While, PE typically has a maximum service temperature of around 80°C (176°F).
  • FEP tubing is transparent. However, PE is also transparent, but it may not provide the same level of clarity as FEP tubing.

¿ por qué la manga de la tarjeta FEP es mejor que la del PET (tereftalato de polietileno)

Aunque el PET es resistente a muchos productos químicos, puede degradarse al exponerse a ciertos disolventes y productos químicos corrosivos.

La temperatura máxima de uso del PET suele ser de unos 150 ° c (302 ° f).

En comparación con el pet, el tubo FEP tiene una menor tasa de penetración de gas.

Las tuberías FEP son más flexibles que el pet, especialmente a bajas temperaturas.